
I’m always amazed at the power of a simple affirmation.   The power of our spoken word to bring forth that which we declare is one of the greatest wonders of the world, as far as I’m concerned.  


Sometimes we don’t realize that the affirmations we use every day produce the continuation of conditions that we don’t want in our lives.  Listen to what is being re-created around you and you’ll hear things like :   “I just know the traffic is going to be heavy today, and I’ll be late”, or  “they will be out of the tickets by the time I get to the front of the line”, or “I’m going to run out of this paint before I finish.”   There are lots of ways that we draw on our history to re-declare into the present and future  that which we have experienced in the past.   If we liked the past, that might be a good thing for us.  But often if we were aware of what we were re-creating through our affirmations, we’d be shocked!


Consider this.   Every possibility, every experience imaginable, exists in the Universal Realm.  Quantum physics reveals to us that all possible outcomes exists at any given moment in “wave form”.   The thing that causes the “particularization” of the wave, bringing one of the infinite possibilities into tangible  form, is our observation or awareness. It is only when our consciousness interacts with one of the many possibilities that this possibility becomes part of our reality.  Like an atmosphere filled with vaporized water, nothing precipitates out so that we can see it until our consciousness calls it forth.


Affirmations represent a window into our consciousness.  They are the powerful tools of the rainmaker in us.  Believing is not only seeing, but believing is the thing itself that calls forth into our experience that which already is in the infinite field of possibility.


Makes me wonder what I’m forecasting for my day, and for my life.  How about you?


You are Precious.  You are Awesome!

Rev. Dr. Kristin