Life Beyond Controlling Conditions

So much of our lives are about trying to control the conditions of life!   We see things and circumstances that we want, and we put lots of energy into creating those situations for ourselves.    Things happen that we don’t like, and we become determined to keep them from happening again.   We seek to be in control, and in this way find our security.


When I have been experiencing life as a victim, feeling at the effect of all of the conditions around me, it is quite natural to want to learn to control conditions.   The good news is that there is a Creative Law that we can avail ourselves of, that can be used to lift ourselves from "being at the effect" of life’s conditions.  We can learn to change the conditions toward those that bring us more of what we want through the use of this Creative Law.  Ernest Holmes said, "We believe  in the control of conditions through the power of this Mind" when speaking of this creative law.


However,  if we think that "control of conditions" is all that life is about, I believe we miss a great opportunity to know a greater union with the Divine, and to know a state of enduring Grace.  Yes, we can change conditions,  but conditions are not the enemy to be vanquished. 


Let us use the creative law to change conditions if we like, but in addition let us also seek deep inquiry into what is being called for us to know through the experience of the condition.  Questions for spiritual inquiry might include:  "What greater Spiritual Truth am I being invited to embrace here?",   "What spiritual un-truths am I called to release"?


If we begin to see conditions as the catalyst for our spiritual grow , inviting us to greater awakening,  we would not be in such a hurry to change the condition.  And, in fact, if we took more time in deep spiritual inquiry, then perhaps the result might be a whole new era opening in our lives – and I bet the condition would change as well!   


What do you think?  "I believe in the transformation of life through the deep spiritual inquiry into the conditions of my life."  I just might try that one on for a while!


You are Precious.  You are Awesome.

Rev. Kristin