Been There, Done That!

Years ago I was contemplating the decision I had made to “go back into” a particular line of work, and considering how unhappy I was with that which used to excite and motivate me.  It felt as if something was calling me forward into the unknown, and I knew deep inside that I was resisting the call.


Driving home one day from work  I heard –  yes “heard” – a voice that simply said,  “God does not say ‘Been There – Done That’!”  In that moment I knew that I had to let go, and trust what was to unfold in my life next.  Just a few short months later I entered ministerial school 🙂


We all make decisions to “go back into” something?  A job, a relationship, habits, beliefs and perspectives.  Sometimes there is indeed more for us to gain or learn .. and sometimes we are simply falling back into the familiar and comfortable. 


Richard Rohr once said, True religion is always a deep intuition that we are already participating in something very good, in spite of our best efforts to deny it or avoid it.  The “very good” is the Life of Spirit.  Spirit has two great desires … to expand and to express.  For both, It requires forms through which to work, and for both it requires that these forms change.


You and I –  we are designed to expand and express.  And I’m not talking about our waste lines!  We are designed to continually expand our capacity to express the Divine manifesting Itself through us.  We are called, therefore, to move forward into the great next impulsion of Spirit living Itself as us.


Have you found yourself saying, “Been There, Done That”?  Is it time to answer a call?


You are Precious.  You are Awesome

Rev. Dr. Kristin