Are we all on the Same Page?

Everyone would LOVE to have full and complete agreement on the decisions we make and the direction we take. It feels great when we are all on the “same page”. Whether it is with a group of people, or simply dealing with our own internal voices that have different views, there is something empowering when we are all aligned as one! And, sometimes it seems impossible to get there.

Here are some simple keys to finding agreement when faced with seemingly conflicting views and opinions.

  1. Go for clarity first! We often try to resolves conflicts before we are really clear on what the conflict is! Rather than going for clarity, we spend our time either finding ways to compromise, or win. Agree to spend some unfiltered time inviting others (or your own internal voices) to “TELL ME MORE!”. Listen first seeking clarity only.
  2. Find the Value in the View! We hold our strong views on things because of something we value. We may value freedom, or order, or safety, or being responsible. Every view we hold is held because we believe it is the path to achieve what we value. Look for the value’s that each person is representing, or that your own inner voices represents.

    At their very core, values are pretty universal. This is because our values, at their root, spring from qualities of God. We value experiencing that which Spirit is … Freedom, Love, Joy, Abundance, Peace, Wholeness and Grace. While views can seem to be in conflict, qualities of God (values) are not! Each value, each God quality supports the other. At this level we find harmony, inclusion, and consensus!

  3. Check for Commitment. Once you’ve found the values that all the views represent, check to see if you now have commitment to move forward .. All on the same page. 

    Effortless Co-creation happens when we are in full alignment with the good we seek.

You are Precious. You are Awesome.


Rev. Dr. Kristin Hawkins

A Journey of Awakening!

What if 2014 were the year of AWAKENING to the Spiritual Magnificence that you are!awaken

Namaste CSL’s theme this year is infact, “Awakening”! I invite you to follow our journey by both listening to our Sunday messages online (if not in person), and by subscribing to our Awakening 2014 Blog! There you will will find posts from Namasté that support our monthly themes on Awakening. We will share Spiritual Mind Treatments (Affirmative Prayer) that relate to the subject of our Sunday service topic for the week, short quotes from Dr. Ernest Holmes, the founder of The Science of Mind philosophy, as well as simple exercises that you can use as part of your daily Spiritual Practice. You’ll hear from our ministers, our practitioners, and our congregants as we journey through a year of Awakening to our Grandest Spiritual Selves!

January is “Awakening Through Prayer”. Check out the simple prayer process we are using, and join us on the journey.

You are Precious.
You are Awesome.

Dr. Kristin

Complex or Simple?

I’ve been aware of late of how complex I sometimes make my life. Not just in the things to manage in the outside arenas, but my interior landscape! So many thoughts to process, organize, and sort through! So many questions to consider. Sometimes they all feel like distractions from what really matters.

And then I begin to wonder if life is meant to be processes, organized and sorted … even questioned. Perhaps it is meant to be simpler than that.
Something I read recently from “The Way of Mastery”:

“Never let a morning go by that you fail to begin your day,
except in this way:

  • Surrender all thought of what you know and have believed.
  • Rest in gratitude to the One who has birthed you.
  • Ask only to be revealed for you greater truth, greater wisdom,
    greater capacity to know and extend Love, perfect trust and perfect peace.”

Today I rest in clarity of what Life asks of me.

You are Precious. You are Awesome.


Rev. Dr. Kristin Hawkins


I woke this morning with a crazy idea for a new App.   It is called, “iChoose”.

iChoose is an app that prompts the user multiple times a day to ask the question, “what do you choose in this moment?”  Once we have answered, it then asks, “on what assumptions are you basing this choice?”.   The App you see, would want to be very sure we are choosing with as much clarity as we can.  It knows that choices rule!

I’ve no idea why this crossed my mind this morning.  Perhaps like many, as the year is winding to a close, I’m contemplating the choices I’ve made this year, and contemplating what new choices I’ll make in 2014.  “On what assumptions am I basing my choice” can be a pretty powerful question.    It often causes me to notice that I have not really considered all my options because of assumptions I’ve held.  As I look at my own life I can certainly find places where I’ve made choices built on unfounded fears and false beliefs.  Perhaps you have as well?  Just by articulating my answer to this question, I can sometimes see the “holes” in my thought process, and begin to play a “what if” game.  What if this assumption was not so?  What if I did not need to protect myself?  What if I came from a different belief?    What if I choose with the conviction of my faith?

Most of use have doubts – some of which we might put under the category of “Universal Doubts” shared by all of us!  We fear we are too late, we don’t have enough time, strength, creativity, freedom, or love.   Perhaps we can boil the fears down to a simple doubt that we are just “not enough.”  

Despite these fears creeping into our assumptions, the Truth is that we are enough!  When we build our choices on this assumption, many more choices open up before us.   I choose to live my life from my enough-ness 🙂   I seek to have my choices governed by Infinite Possibility, and not universal doubt.    I want to be guided by Faith, Spiritual Truth, and the expression of Wholeness.

Perhaps we should rename our app.   Rather than “iChoose”, allowing our choices to be guided by our definitions of self as the little “i”, lets call it “I-Choose” and proceed to make our choices with the Infinite “I” that we are.

“I-Choose”.  This app has a much better design.  It reverses the questions it asks us.  First it poses the question, “On what assumptions am I going to base my choices in this moment?”  Then it prompts us to select from a Truth Quality  –  Wholeness, Truth, Love, Joy, Abundance, Creativity.   Once we’ve selected, it then moves on the choice at hand, asking “what do I choose in this moment?”

Try it out today .. And give some feedback to the developer 🙂

You are Precious.
You are Awesome!

 Rev. Dr. Kristin Hawkins



Never Move Faster than the Speed of Love

It’s been in my heart for a long time to talk about the “obligation” of taking action on social issues in our world including the areas that need a dose of healing. This past week I gave a talk at Namaste CSL on this topic – the title was “Being a Oneness Activist” (

Often, I’ve found myself reluctant to speak about world issues, environmental concerns, or human rights violations in deference to wanting to honor all views, and not leverage any perceived position I might hold as a minister. But you and I have obligations to speak up where we believe injustice is occurring. The question is, how to do so while honoring and coming from our spiritual beliefs. How to do so without making someone else “wrong”, thereby simply perpetuating the very root cause of the problems we see. How do I/we truly honor the belief in one Life common to all – while taking action where called to take action.

I’ve often written and spoken about how our consciousness creates. The sum total of our thoughts, beliefs, feeling and ideas tend to out-picture in our world. This is a “way of the world” taught throughout the ages, and is empowering for all that have become aware of this creative power. But this power also begs us to have our actions be consistent with our beliefs. Actions are part of what defines our consciousness … we create not only from what we think but what we do as well.

How then shall we act when we perceive that injustice has been done, when human kind has forgotten that we are One? How should we respond when others act out of a belief that there is not enough, that one has to lose if another is to win, that oppression is necessary for liberation and freedom of others. How shall we act?

Certainly we can look to the lives of way-showers such as Gandhi, King, Mandela, Jesus or the Buddha for guidance. Our lifelong study and contemplation of these beacons of Light bring us clarity. For those times that we need the “cliff” notes to go by, I offer these two expressions that I’ve heard recently:

“Never Move Faster than the Speed of Love”.

“Never Solve an Injustice with an Injustice”.

As long as I remember this, I will be deliberate in my action; I will not be reactionary, or revengeful. I will not act out of anger or frustration. I will not take shortcuts, thinking that expedient will win the day. I will not perpetuate the transgression at the core of my discomfort by bringing that same spirit to the solution.

Let yourself be disturbed into action. Let that action be guided and filled with Love.

As Hafiz said, “Remember – The One I love lives inside of you.”

You are Precious.
You are Awesome.

Rev. Dr. Kristin Hawkins